Technology Support
Below you will find access to the CVP Help Desk Handout and Chromebook Documents
Students who require Chromebook technical support should contact their school building and ask to speak to the Technology TechnicianELEMENTARY
George Wolf Elementary : 610-837-1833 Lehigh Elementary: 610-767-1191 Moore Elementary: 610-837-1859 Borough Elementary Schools: 610-262-6430SECONDARY
Middle School: 610-262-7817 x14137 Mr. Timothy VrabelHigh School: 610-262-7812 x11409 Mr. CJ McHughChromebook Device Information
Directions: Logging into NCA using CLEVER Badge
Northampton Area School District has conducted comprehensive research and evaluated devices for functionality, reliability, security, durability, sustainability, and total cost of ownership.
After evaluating the learning tasks involved in project-based and inquiry learning such as communication, collaboration, creativity, and problem solving the committee has identified the Chromebook computer.
The District continues to adopt web-based and device independent instructional resources. The Chromebook meets all of the requirements of the evaluation committee
To help protect the Chromebook during transport the District has evaluated a number of laptop cases. Each student will be provided with a padded case in which to transport the Chromebook. Bump Armor specifically makes laptop cases for students and schools.
Communication is important. Check your messages every day.
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
If you need help with a technical issue in the "Virtual Classroom"...
Elementary Students: contact CVP at 610-515-6566 or
Secondary Students: Call 888-866-4989, option 1
If you have questions about your grades, class requirements, or your progress...
Elementary Students: Create a message using the collaborate tool
Secondary Students: Use the messaging center from your "Dashboard" to compose a message.
If you need help with concepts in the subject you are studying...
Elementary Students: Message your teacher using the Collaborate Tool
Secondary Students: Use your Student Support button. Call 888-866-4989, option 2
Monday - Friday 9 am - 10 pm & Saturday 11 am - 7:30 pm
Book an appointment to attend a Live Session with your teacher
If you need help moving past a Teacher Review or locked test...
Secondary Students: Contact your Online Teacher
Some courses will stop you so an instructor can review your work. Instead of waiting, message your teacher from the dashboard to let them know. They can review your work, so you can continue!
If you have questions about...
your school courses, credits, or graduation...
attending school-based tutoring sessions or other resources...
joining clubs or extra-curriculur activities...
Contact your School Counselor
Your School Counselor is your primary "Go-To" person to provide you with assistance and keep you connected to school.